Rosstat Announced Russia's Role in Solving International Demographic Problems

From April 29 to May 3, the 57th session of the UN Commission on Population and Development took place in New York. Deputy Head of Rosstat Sergei Okladnikov took part in the session.

This year, the plenary session of the UN General Assembly was dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Program of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). During the meeting, Sergei Okladnikov pointed out the heterogeneity and instability of the global population situation. In addition, he drew attention to the birth rate decline in many countries of the world as well as population decline.

The deputy head of Rosstat emphasized that Russia actively supports the institution of the traditional family and pursues a policy to increase the birth rate:

 “As part of the State policy to increase the birth rate, families are provided with financial assistance and tax benefits, and labor rights and guarantees are ensured. In addition, parents have access to benefits in medical, educational, leisure and other institutions that take into account the needs of families with children,” noted the head of the Russian delegation.

The session also included a meeting on economic and social issues with UN Under-Secretary-General Mr. Li Junhua. The parties discussed the contribution of the Russian Federation to the formation of the system of global SDG indicators.

Sergei Okladnikov noted that thanks to UN recommendations, the new population census in Russia will undergo major transformations. Distinctive features of the 2030 census will include a population register, pre-filling census forms with administrative data and supplementing census forms with online data collection. The participants of the meeting also discussed the implementation of projects aimed at developing the capacity of the national statistical services of the CIS countries.