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Deputy Heads of Rosstat
Structure of Rosstat

Central office
Territorial Bodies
Subordinate organizations

The Federal State Statistics Service carries out its activities
directly and through its territorial bodies.

Volga Region
Far East
Херсонская область
Запорожская область
Донецкая народная республика
Луганская народная республика
Federal state-funded institution "Rosstat Research and Developement Institute of Statistical and Information System"
Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rosstat main interregion center for processing dissemination of statistical information"
Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rosstat property management"
Federal state-funded institution "Rosstat research institute of socio-economic statistics"

Federal state-funded institution "Rosstat Research and Developement Institute of Statistical and Information System"

Main functions:

  1. Developing methods and means of computerizing state statistical information based on using modern software
  2. Implementing a common software policy in bodies of state statistics based on maintaining state-of-the-art processing of statistical data and automating statistical activities

Webpage available only in Russian.

Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rosstat main interregion center for processing dissemination of statistical information"

Responsible for gathering, accumulating, storing and processing statistical data using modern cutting-edge technologies.

Webpage available only in Russian.

Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rosstat property management"

Main functions:

  1. Providing maintenance and engineering services
  2. Carrying out minor and major repairs, refurbishments to the premises, performing alterations
  3. Maintaining and operating all facilities and buildings
  4. Installing and maintaining fire protection and security systems

Federal state-funded institution "Rosstat research institute of socio-economic statistics"

Main functions:

  1. Transformation of statistics and developing a state statistics model
  2. Developing theory and methodology of statistics of social and economic processes and phenomena in accordance with international statistical standards
  3. Assisting in applying research results and research-based recommendations in governance and activities of Russian organizations