Methodology63.9 Kb, 22.05.2020Methodology and formulas157.44 Kb, 15.07.2020Deflator indices as % of the previous year287.78 Kb, 16.07.2020At current prices241.27 Kb, 15.07.2020At constant prices291.41 Kb, 15.07.2020Volume Indices as % to the previous year288.1 Kb, 16.07.2020
At current prices317.28 Kb, 16.07.2020At constant prices368.29 Kb, 17.07.2020At constant prices excluding seasonal pattern369.51 Kb, 17.07.2020Quarterly indicators of GDP and its elements82.21 Kb, 17.07.2020Volume indices (as a percentage to the corresponding quarter of the previous year)319.82 Kb, 22.05.2020Deflator index (as a percentage to the corresponding quarter of the previous year)319.6 Kb, 22.05.2020Methodology22.05.2020
Data by sections of OKVED. The structure of gross value added by industry30 Kb, 22.05.2020Data in detailed breakdown. The structure of gross value added by industry44.5 Kb, 22.05.2020Data by sections of OKVED. At current prices16.25 Kb, 22.05.2020Data by sections of OKVED. At prices of 201616.21 Kb, 22.05.2020Data by sections of OKVED. Volume indices, as a percentage to the previous year15.58 Kb, 22.05.2020Data by sections of OKVED. Deflator indices, as a percentage to the previous year15.44 Kb, 22.05.2020Data in detailed breakdown. At current prices25 Kb, 22.05.2020Data in detailed breakdown. At constant prices of 201625.69 Kb, 22.05.2020Data in detailed breakdown. Volume indices, as a percentage to the previous year23.5 Kb, 22.05.2020Data in detailed breakdown. Deflator indices, as a percentage to the previous year23.52 Kb, 22.05.2020
At current prices48.55 Kb, 22.05.2020At prices of 201630.92 Kb, 22.05.2020At constant prices excluding the seasonal pattern30.53 Kb, 22.05.2020Volume indices (as a percentage to the corresponding quarter of the previous year): (since 2012)27.82 Kb, 22.05.2020Deflator index (as a percentage to the corresponding quarter of the previous year): (since 2012)27.76 Kb, 22.05.2020
Data by sections of OKVED. At current prices8.06 Kb, 10.12.2020Data by sections of OKVED. At constant prices9.26 Kb, 25.11.2020Data by sections of OKVED. The structure of gross value added by industry44.5 Kb, 22.05.2020Data by sections of OKVED. Volume indices, as a percentage to the previous year8.23 Kb, 22.05.2020Data by sections of OKVED. Deflator indices, as a percentage to the previous year8.2 Kb, 22.05.2020Data in detailed breakdown. The structure of gross value added by industry66 Kb, 22.05.2020Data by sections of OKVED. Correction of gross value added for economic transactions not observed by direct statistical methodsData in detailed breakdown. At current prices22.05.2020Data in detailed breakdown. At constant prices22.05.2020Data in detailed breakdown. Volume indices, as a percentage to the previous yearData in detailed breakdown. Deflator indices, as a percentage to the previous year)
At current prices22.05.2020At constant prices168.22 Kb, 22.05.2020At constant prices excluding the seasonal factorVolume indices including the seasonal factor, as a percentage to the corresponding quarter of the previous yearDeflator index including the seasonal factor, as a percentage to the corresponding quarter of the previous year
At current prices242.18 Kb, 07.12.2020At constant prices excluding the seasonal factor245.21 Kb, 22.05.2020Volume indices including the seasonal factor, as a percentage to the corresponding quarter of the previous year244.79 Kb, 22.05.2020Deflator index including the seasonal factor, as a percentage to the corresponding quarter of the previous year244.79 Kb, 22.05.2020
Methodology22.05.2020Absolute values at current prices165.38 Kb, 24.11.2020Structure, as a percentage to GDP165.47 Kb, 08.12.2020Methodology (GDP by source of income)22.05.2020