News of Rosstat
28 February 2020
The jury members of Census mascot design contest have chosen the winner. Now, information, print and advertising products of 2020 Census will be decorated with the ViPiN birdie by an architect and illustrator from Samara Maxim Ovchinnikov.
24 January 2020
On January 23rd the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Permanent Representative in the Russian Federation Annette Kyobe and Rosstat experts discussed methodology for calculation of population incomes and expenditures, development of macroeconomic parameters, including GDP and its structure, reasons for revision of previously published macroeconomic indicators.
18 December 2019
The official website of the 2020 Russian population census was launched. It informs visitors about the preparation and conduct of the 2020 Census.
17 December 2019
Head of Rosstat informed the Russian legislators about the plans for regional statistics development
Pavel Malkov, Head of Rosstat, informed the heads of legislative authorities of the Russian constituent entities about the impact of analysis and work with statistics on effective management decision-making.
4 December 2019
For the first time volunteers will be involved in preparation and conduct of the 2020 Russian Population Census. An agreement was reached between Rosstat and Rosmolodezh at the International Volunteer Forum.
26 November 2019
During the working visit to Statistics Denmark Rosstat delegation discussed with Danish colleagues the issues of electronic data collection, registers and other administrative sources for calculating statistical indicators.
15 November 2019
The international conference “Digital Agenda for Statistics: Timeliness, Quality and Openness” took place on November 14-15th, 2019 in Moscow. More than 350 representatives from 16 countries discussed challenges that make an impact on development of statistics.
21 October 2019
Rosstat delegation, led by the Head of the Service Pavel Malkov, visited Minsk on October 19-20 and studied Belstat’s experience in conducting the digital census.
1 October 2019
Thanks to the introduction of new technologies, the 2020 Russian population census will significantly differ from all previous censuses. This was stated by Pavel Malkov, Head of Rosstat, during press conference "A Year before the Russian digital population census", which was held on October 1 at “Digital October Centre” in Moscow.
Journalists and experts learnt about the census strategy, its logo and visual design of the main statistical event of the decade.
5 September 2019
“Development of the Digital Analytical Platform will allow to implement the principle of one-time provision of primary data. This will lead to reduction in the reporting burden on business”, said Pavel Malkov, Head of Rosstat, on September 5 in Bishkek, speaking at the session of the CIS Council of the Heads of Statistical Services.