Short-Term Economic Indicators of the Russian Federation
The electronic issue contains historic time series with monthly, quarterly and annual data on major social and economic indicators of the Russian Federation, as well as the data on manufacture of major kinds of industrial products. The updated version of the publication is posted.
Because of beginning since January 2017 application of the Russia Classification of kinds of Economic Activities (OKVED2) and the Russia Classification of Products by kinds of Economic Activities (OKPD2), new time series of some indicators have been started.
The information till 2016 inclusive, compiled using previous classifications OKVED and OKPD is published in the bulletin « Short-term economic indicators of the Russian Federation» in December, 2016.
Since January 2019 the electronic version of the bulletin (archive file) is downloaded in Excel format.
Starting since the bulletin for QI, 2019, the time series are published for indicators of money incomes and expenditures of population, calculated in accordance with the Methodological Provisions for calculation of indicators of money incomes and expenditures of population, approved by order of Rosstat dated July 2, 2014 No. 465 (as amended of November 20, 2018). Historical series are revised starting since Q I, 2013.
Indicators for 2018 inclusive, calculated in accordance with the previously existing Methodology for calculating the balance of money incomes and expenditures of population (approved by the Decree of the Goskomstat of Russia dated July 16, 1996 No. 61) are published in bulletin “Short-term economic indicators of the Russian Federation” in December 2018.