Labor Market, Employment, and Salaries
Main indicators
Number of employed by sex and occupation in 2015
103 Kb, 11.08.2018
Employed by age groups and educational attainment in 2016
72 Kb, 11.08.2018
Number of unemployed
101 Kb, 11.08.2018
Unemployment by age groups and educational attainment in 2016
71 Kb, 11.08.2018
Job placements by the state employment services
76.5 Kb, 11.08.2018
63 Kb, 11.08.2018
Occupational injuries
60.5 Kb, 11.08.2018
Occupational diseases (intoxications)
54.5 Kb, 11.08.2018
Methodological guidelines and commentary
Methodological guidelines
57 Kb, 11.08.2018
Graphical presentation
Changes in the Number of Unemployed Persons, Officially Registered by State Employment Service
29.5 Kb, 11.08.2018